Privacy policy

Privacy policy

This is Rowingfinn Ltd’s register and privacy policy in accordance with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Drafted on December 20, 2023.

Data Controller

Rowingfinn Ltd
Kiitotie 140, 46810 Ummeljoki


Data Controller’s Contact Person

Joel Naukkarinen


Register Name

Rowingfinn Ltd’s website register description


Legal Basis and Purpose of Personal Data Processing

The purpose of processing personal data is to maintain contact with business partners. The data is not used for automated decision-making or profiling.


Register Content

This site uses Google Analytics, which collects anonymous information about users through cookies. By using these web pages, the user accepts Google’s data collection for the aforementioned purposes. The information obtained through the contact forms is not used for marketing purposes but solely for direct contact with the data provider by the company.

The information saved from the contact form includes: Name, email, subject, and message.

The site does not store any visitor’s individual data, except for the form mentioned above.


Regular Data Sources

The data stored in the register are acquired solely from customers through web forms.

Contact information of individuals from companies and other organizations can also be collected from public sources such as websites, directories, and other companies.


Regular Data Disclosures and Data Transfer Outside the EU or EEA

The information is not regularly disclosed to other parties, and no stored data is published.

No personally identifiable information is forwarded.


Principles of Register Protection

Care is taken in handling the register, and data processed via information systems is adequately protected. When registry data is stored on internet servers, the physical and digital security of the hardware is ensured. The Data Controller ensures that stored data, server access rights, and other information critical for the security of personal data are handled confidentially and only by employees within their job descriptions.


Right to Inspect and Request Data Correction

Every individual in the register has the right to inspect their stored data and request correction of any erroneous information or completion of incomplete data. If a person wants to check the data stored about them or request a correction, the request must be sent in writing to the Data Controller. The Data Controller may request the requester to verify their identity if necessary. The Data Controller will respond to the customer within the time prescribed by the EU’s data protection regulation (usually within one month).


Other Rights Related to Personal Data Processing

Individuals in the register have the right to request the removal of their personal data from the register (“right to be forgotten”). Additionally, registered individuals have other rights according to the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation, such as limiting the processing of personal data in certain situations. Requests should be sent in writing to the Data Controller. The Data Controller may request the requester to verify their identity if necessary. The Data Controller will respond to the customer within the time prescribed by the EU’s data protection regulation (usually within one month).


Cookie Policies and Remarketing

A cookie is a small text file that an internet browser stores on the user’s device. Cookies are used, for example, when the user’s information needs to be retained as they move from one page of an internet service to another. More information is available on the Cybersecurity Center’s website.

We use third-party remarketing cookies, including Google AdWords, Facebook, and Google Analytics cookies. This means that we can show ads elsewhere on the internet based on the user’s browser cookies. We use cookies to provide our users with more interesting ads and a better user experience on the site.

We always respect user privacy and never store personally identifiable information in cookies. Identifying a user based on cookies is not possible.


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